As the official sponsor of the Copa Libertadores, Amstel wanted a game-changing campaign to end online hooliganism between rivalling football fans. Working with JWT and Google Zoo, we created Artificial Stupidity: an AI-powered bot that uses Google technologies to keep online cheering cheerful.
Through sentiment analysis and machine learning, the bot first learned what classifies as inflammatory language. A WebGL microsite then invited football fans to exchange friendlier chants with the human-like bot and teach it how to cheer in a more respectful way. In a collective effort, internet users taught Artificial Stupidity how to support teams like a good sport.
With MediaMonks production team I was able to create the bot/site interactions and prepare the AI training.

Amazing website with WebGL/3D and Artificial Intelligence (bot), speech to text and other cool tech stuff. The website aims to make the people aware of how being a soccer supporter has become something so negative/aggressive and we have the power to change it.
Site navigation
The AI could either ask you about your vision for general soccer culture but also tricky questions, testing your knowledge about the team you support. You'd better now how to answer them, otherwise the bot would say what it learned on social media. Not light stuff.

Phase 1 - Angry AI

Phase 2 - AI getting better
Here goes some of the AI face production process by MediaMonks animation team.

And here goes some of the general production process by the whole team.

Creative Director - Alex Fittipaldi // Product Manager - Marcos Dinnanni
MediaMonks Team
Alan Dawidowicz, Alexandre Ciampi Fittipaldi, André D'Angelo, Anna Oliveira, Anoek Looijschelder, Artur Dias, Caio Cesar Velenosi, Ciaran Woods, Damian Lettiero, Daniel Magnanelli, Daniela Ferrer, Daniela Terng, Dave van Luttervelt, Eduardo Marzionna, Eve Acton, Felipe Libano, Fernando Castro, Francisco Miorin, Gabriela Maragni, Geert Eichhorn, Giselle Cendoya, Gustavo Spredemann, Henrique Kazuo Tamashiro, Ian Carrigan, Jeroen Hol, Joey de Vries, Leandro Carlos, Maarten Honig, Marcos Dinnanni, Martin Kool, Maximiliano Davids, Mischa Loppies, Nanette Kappers, Natália Serra, Nicky Correljé, Rafael Fittipaldi, Raul Silva, Renato Batista da Silveira, Renato Cesar Silva Lucena, Renato Sousa, Richard Heuser, Samuel Snider-Held, Sebastiaan Scheer, Sherzod Mirzaakhmedov, Thiago Assunção, Tomás Esconjaureguy, Vincent Jacobs.
Wunderman Thompson // Google Zoo
HUGE thanks to everyone!